Xanté Releasing iQueue 10.2 Printing Software


Xanté announced the upcoming release of iQueue 10.2 Adobe PostScript Workflow Software. The latest installment in the iQueue series has several new capabilities:

• Even better spot colour accuracy, increasing the potential spot colours from 60000 to over 200000 possible spot colour matches.
• Improved Spot Colour Creator that converts images to spot colours for accurate spot colour matching. Users also now have the ability to export the EPS converted images.
• Variable Data sorting features that automatically sort envelopes by ZIP, city, state or any other variable data field.
• Ability to output PDF proof for any print job for job approval, emailing or filing.

A variety of other enhancements are contained throughout Version 10.2, most of which were designed by the iQueue users’ group as customers always make the best designers. iQueue version 10.2 is a free update to all iQueue users.

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