X-Rite And Pantone Solution Ensures Brand Consistency Across Packaging

X-Rite And Pantone Solution Ensures Brand Consistency Across Packaging

Working with the X-Rite and Pantone team, No7 Beauty Company selected a new, bespoke pink brand colour for Soap and Glory as part of a brand visual identity (BVI) re-design. The brand standard was digitally defined by X-Rite and stored in the PantoneLIVE cloud for easy access by everyone in the design, artwork creation, and packaging production workflow.

The digital PantoneLIVE standard enables the entire packaging supply chain to understand the achievability of the Soap and Glory pink on 30 different print process and substrate variables. Printers can also access spectral data for ink formulation and print quality checks.

For its 15th birthday, Soap and Glory partnered with X-Rite to create a new, bespoke pink that is instantly recognisable. This allows Soap and Glory to establish one clearly specified digital target and significantly reduce colour variance across print suppliers and packaging materials. To ensure brand equity, Soap and Glory now has immediate visibility into the colour quality of its global packaging supply chain.

‘Moving from physical colour references and visual evaluation to a digital colour programme has dramatically improved Soap and Glory’s printed packaging colour consistency,’ said Craig Davids, Global Artwork and Print Manager, No7 Beauty Company. ‘Instead of spending time and money relating to the subjective acceptance or rejection of printed colours from Soap & Glory printers from around the world, we can now monitor print quality across multiple sites through X-Rite and Pantone’s connected software solutions. Giving printers ownership over print quality means they don’t ship if colour isn’t right, preserving our brand identity on the shelf. It’s a win-win for everyone.’

Soap and Glory’s distinctive pink colour draws customers to the brand’s Indulgent Bathing, Skincare, Cosmetics, Gifts and Accessories products. Previously, Soap and Glory used a physical reference to communicate colour expectations and get quick alignment from print suppliers. Based on Pantone 701C initially, this Pantone colour reference helped simplify brand colour communication for print suppliers but over time, Soap and Glory noticed a lack of colour consistency across printed packaging, point of sale, merchandising and marketing materials.

X-Rite ColorCert Scorecard Server was installed to evaluate and control printed packaging colours. Print suppliers measure production into ColorCert and submit a job score into the No7 Beauty Company Scorecard server. This empowers No7 Beauty Company to view supplier performance and printers to monitor their own print quality.

‘Using X-Rite digital colour standards and workflow solutions, No7 Beauty Company can ensure brand consistency across multiple products, packaging materials and suppliers,’ said Cindy Cooperman, Vice President, Brand Global Strategic Accounts, X-Rite. ‘The Soap and Glory brand managers have access to objective colour results and can work directly with print suppliers to identify areas for improved efficiencies and cost savings.’


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