What Is An Anti-Mentor And What Can They Teach You?

What Is An Anti-Mentor And What Can They Teach You?

Kristin Mento, Creative Department Manager at Topinc Print Imagination, says she was taught more by ‘anti-mentors’ than mentors throughout her career and it was these experiences that passionately drove her to become a better leader and mentor for future creatives.

What is an ‘anti-mentor’?

This is a term that I use to refer to managers, business owners and those in leadership positions within a business who set examples of what not to do in a leadership position.

Typically you’ll find that they:
– Don’t embody the company values.
– Don’t care about company culture.
– Don’t value their staff very highly.
– Never or seldom admit when they make a mistake and don’t apologise.
– Throw their team under the bus when something goes wrong or they are under pressure.
– Practice favouritism and/or nepotism in the workplace.
– Don’t communicate well and make no effort to improve.
– Are unwilling to pass their industry knowledge on or teach others.

Unfortunately, you are probably not going to grow in a company where there are anti-mentors further up the hierarchy that are blocking you from excelling or doing truly great work. If you find yourself working under an anti-mentor, the best thing you can do is:

– Learn and grow as much as you can in that space.
– Upskill yourself if need be.
– Move on as soon as possible before it starts to break you down physically, mentally and emotionally.


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