Tag: onebarrier
BOBST And Partners Awarded For Packaging Solution
OneBARRIER FibreCycle is a paper-based, high barrier alternative to traditional plastic based flexible packaging and has been declared officially recyclable by PTS, 4evergreen, Aticelca...
BOBST Showcases Workflow Solutions At Open House Event
BOBST and its partners unwrapped the future of packaging with complete solution workflows. The manufacturing of sustainable flexible packaging was effectively demonstrated by BOBST...
BOBST Revealed Milestones In Sustainable Packaging
BOBST and its partners revealed Generation 3.0 ‘hero samples’ of oneBARRIER PrimeCycle, a polymer-based mono-material, which is recycle-ready while retaining excellent barrier qualities, making...
BOBST Showcasing Packaging Solutions
BOBST has announced a showcase of its packaging innovations at multiple events, including two open houses.
K 2022 showcase
OneBARRIER is a family of new alternative...