Solimar Systems Unveils Latest Version Of Document Re-Engineering Solution

Solimar Systems Unveils Latest Version Of Document Re-Engineering Solution

Rubika 4.4 introduces an enhanced user experience and more workflow efficiencies at its core, enabling customers to streamline implementations and achieve significant savings within their businesses.

Rubika is renowned for adding value to existing documents with a modular suite of post-composition document re-engineering capabilities that add barcodes for insertion control, modify finishing, automate device load balancing and enable white paper workflows.

Rubika is part of Solimar’s Chemistry™ platform, integrated with other workflow and data optimising, document enhancing and job tracking solutions. Among the many benefits of Rubika 4.4 is an enhanced graphical user interface (GUI) to boost the ease of commonly used tasks with fewer clicks, while hiding more advanced options until needed. These updates increase user productivity, reduce training times and improve overall customer satisfaction.

Some of the new Rubika features include:

– Scale and Shift Module: new features in the module enable users that require different sizes for media, and defined printable area, the ability to leverage cropping while scaling or repositioning content.
– Enhanced QR Code Error Correction Level: this new feature sets the redundancy level for a QR code to allow the barcode to be partially damaged without loss of data.
– Enhanced security with PDF Encryption Step: Rubika now supports 256-bit encryption when setting the User Password Encryption Level for added security.


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