Robatech Premieres New Gluing Products

Robatech Premieres New Gluing Products
Vision smart adhesive melter

Robatech has announced new gluing products, including the new Vision melter and Performa heat hose for high-precision hot-melt adhesive application.


Vision is the smart adhesive melter for high-quality adhesive application of thermoplastic hot melt adhesives. The innovative FlexPort and the advanced Smart Terminal combine energy-efficient design and new electronics into a smart melter for safe product gluing and cost-effective operation.

– Achieves system availability of more than 99% and ensures high process reliability.
– Low operating costs: industry-leading energy efficiency and optional quality control.
– FlexPort simplifies planning and installation in systems.
– Smart Terminal: operating and status information available from a distance.
– Easy access to all maintenance-related components via a single door and thus reduced maintenance times.
– Vision offers superior protection against accidental contact during operation, maintenance and commissioning.


How reliably and precisely products are glued also depends on the heated hose. The fully insulated Performa heated hose keeps the temperature and viscosity of the melted adhesive as constant over the hose’s entire length as a temperature controller keeps the oven temperature. Gluing becomes more reliable, but also less expensive. The state-of-the-art heated hose insulation and the PrimeConnect plug coupling ensure quick operational readiness and outstanding energy efficiency.

Robatech Premieres New Gluing Products

– Enables high application quality for high-precision adhesive applications.
– Up to 45% less energy consumption compared to conventional heated hoses thanks to fully insulated PrimeConnnect plug coupling and high-tech insulation layer.
– PrimeConnect for quick and error-free installation without special tools.
– Quickly ready for operation after production stops due to short heat-up time (8 minutes).
– Protection against burns: low external hose temperature (54 °C) and CoolToch insulation of the connection points.
– Avoids adhesive degradation and is therefore durable.

+27 21 510 6903

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