Ricoh Official Partner of United Nations Climate Conference


Ricoh is an official partner of the United Nation’s Conference of Parties (COP21) climate conference that takes place from November 30 to December 11 in Paris, France.
The conference aims to adopt a binding and universal agreement that seeks to limit global warming to 2°C by the end of the century, and secure the necessary funds to allow developing countries to achieve their transition towards an environmentally friendly economy.
Ricoh will provide secure printing infrastructure for the conference on 190 devices. Ricoh was part of the first wave of Japanese companies to join the UN Global Compact in 2000. It has, since 2008, remained a director of the Japanese Global Compact network. The company has followed a sustainable development approach since inception aiming to achieve a balance between the planet (the environment), people (society), and profit (economic activities).
The Ricoh Group follows a number of activities to reduce the environmental impact on the planet exercised by resource extraction, energy use or the release of chemicals, as well as activities to protect biodiversity. Biodiversity improves Earth’s regeneration capacity. Ricoh subsequently developed its Comet Circle in 1994 and the GreenLine product range.
The Comet Circle extends beyond the group’s activities, being production and marketing, to also include reducing impact on the environment throughout the product lifecycle.
Product lifecycle impact on the environment is reduced by helping customers better manage their print environments, including reducing the number of devices they operate and the volume of consumables they use.
Ricoh is also committed to reducing CO2 emissions during product lifecycles by 30% by 2020 and 87.5% by 2050 from the levels at the turn of the century. In the 2015 fiscal year, the company reduced emissions by 35.8%.
A recognised environmental approach
 · All Ricoh sites worldwide, including production sites, are certified ISO 14001 for their environmental management system.
· Ricoh has been listed in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI) for three years in a row, obtaining the industry best score in four categories; Innovation Management, Privacy Protection, Environmental Policy/Management System, and Climate Strategy.
· German company oekom research AG awarded Ricoh its Prime sustainability rating in 2015.
· Ricoh has featured in the FTSE4Good Index for the past 11 years.
· Ricoh has a network of ecological signs that use 100% renewable energy.
‘The General Secretariat of COP21 welcomes with gratitude the support of the RICOH Group as a sponsoring partner for the overall print fleet of COP21. Their approach to sustainability, the quality of their GreenLine products and their expertise in document security shall contribute in a major way to the smooth running and the exemplary nature of this conference,’ said Philippe Delacroix, Ambassador, in charge of public-private partnerships for the COP21 organisation.

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