Printing SA Hosts Wits Business Management And Development Certificate Ceremony


Printing SA hosted the Wits Business Management and Development Certificate Ceremony at the Wits Club on 28 July 2016.

The Printing SA Wits Business Management and Management Development course was introduced in October 2013. Printing SA partnered with Wits Enterprise in the development of the above mentioned programme specifically tailored for the Printing and Packaging Industry.  

The course had a total number of 26 candidates that graduated for both the Business Management and the Management Development Programme. 

Printing SA CEO, Steve Thobela said, ’This course doesn’t mean anything if you’re not developing. Many institutions spend too much time focusing on IQ tests and not on EQ- Emotional Intelligence, that enables an individual to connect with people. You can’t lead people if you can’t connect with them.

‘Printing SA and partners have done what they can, but graduates need to live by the values of PIFSA: Professionalism, Integrity, Fairness, Sustainability, Accountability. Print is not dying but has grown instead. There is a lot that we can do as leaders, we also need to learn as much as we can.’

In closing, Dr Hutton from Wits said, ‘We want a better life for all in the printing industry. These days we prepare people for management so that they can create a better life for themselves, their families and the industry. FP&M SETA plays a critical role in developing young and old learners in South Africa. Hopefully this group will move though this progression of learning, as an important way of learning is learning from others. That’s a privilege that an academic has.

‘The printing industry is dynamic and it changes daily with technology. The change is implemented by those who manage the day-to-day running of the companies. Thank you for choosing Wits.’

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