Printing SA Announces Printing And Packaging Scoping Workshops


PRINTING SA has taken up the role of the Development Quality Partner (DQP) for the development of seven trades in the Printing and Packaging sector under the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO).

The overall project goal is to produce the QCTO trade qualifications and part qualifications for the following trades:
• Carton Making.
• Coldset Rotary Offset Lithography Technician.
• Corrugated Board Manufacture Machine Minder.
• Digital Pre-press.
• Heatset Rotary Offset Lithography Technician.
• Rotary Printing and Re-Reeling Flexographic machine Technician.
• Soft Cover & Hard cover Mechanised Bookbinding.

This scoping workshop would require stakeholders to:
• Endorse PRINTING SA to be recognised by QCTO as the DQP.
• Agree on the listed trades to be developed and highlight the part qualifications of each trade.
• Appointment of the Assessment Quality Partner (AQP), all trades fall under NAMB.
• Nominate and establish the Communities of Expert Practitioners (CEPs) for each of these qualifications.

To this end, PRINTING SA requests your participation in a scoping workshop to engage with the following:
• Capacity building on new QCTO requirements and processes.
• Endorsing PRINTING SA as the DQP.
• Appointment of Learner Qualifications Development Facilitators.
• Constituting of Communities of Expert Practitioners (CEPs) from Subject Matter. Experts that will be involved in all required QCTO processes.
• Provide input on the parameters of the qualifications to be developed.
• Constitution of the Working Groups for the various specialisation areas.

The meetings will take place as follows:

Cape Town
Date of meeting: 13 October 2014
Venue: CAB Conference Centre CPT
Address: c/o Jeanette & Lee Street, Brackenfell
Time: 9:00 for 9:30 to 15:30

Date of meeting: 17 October 2014
Venue: Sunnyside Park Hotel
Address: Princess of Wales Terrace, Parktown
Time: 9:00 for 9:30 to 15:30

Date of meeting: 21 October 2014
Venue: 3 Cities Dockland Hotel
Address: Point Waterfront, Durban

Time: 9:00 for 9:30 to 15:30

Please confirm attendance by completing the online registration form before 8 October 2014.

Please Note: no travels will be funded by Printing Industries Federation of South Africa for the Scoping session.

CEP Nominations:

At this meeting, industry participation in the development process will be confirmed by identifying industry experts. Should you wish to be nominated as part of the community of expert practitioners, please visit:

The role of 'Community of Expert Practitioners' (CEP)

What is a Community of Expert Practitioners?

A Community of Expert Practitioners (CEP) is a group of people who are qualified in the relevant occupation with a minimum of at least five years of current and relevant experience in that particular occupation or have been recognised by the practitioners of the occupation as experts. CEPs have replaced the former standards-generating bodies to develop qualifications for the QCTO.

What will a CEP do?
The CEP will design, develop, manage, conduct and verify the final integrative summative assessment for awards, and even for some certificates. The CEP will work under the delegated authority of the Development Quality Partner (DQP), being Printing SA and the QCTO.

The CEP will meet through a series of formal CEP scoping meetings, whereby processes related to the design and development of curricula, qualifications and qualification assessments guidelines will be discussed and finalised.

The CEP is process-driven and not a stakeholder-driven structure. The CEP operations will be facilitated by an expert, namely the Qualification Development Facilitator (QDF).

How will the CEP be appointed?
It will be in the interest of organisations competing in the same field to start working together in the formation of a CEP. Industry will be asked to nominate experts for the CEP, whereby the CEP will be finalised in the first scoping meeting. These members should be knowledgeable about current practices in their respective occupations. Assessment experts may also be included in the CEP to provide assistance to ensure the credibility of the assessment process.

Kindly contact or +27 (0) 71 234 2162 for any queries you may have.

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