Pentawards 2020 Global Packaging Design Competition Now Open


Pentawards is globally renowned as the benchmark for excellence in packaging. This competition has the potential to shine the world’s spotlight on your work. For previous winners, this has been proven to result in direct business growth. This competition is for all packaging design professionals from some of the most prestigious agencies, boutique design studios as well as freelancers.

What is the jury is looking for?

Quality of design

Judges are looking for excellent graphic and structural design, considering aspects such as typography, artwork, the logo or brand name, use of colour, as well as structural aspects such as shape, form and silhouette.

Brand Expression

Judges score how effectively the graphic and (if appropriate) structural design of the pack or range expresses the personality, characteristics or story of the brand.

Creativity and innovation

Judges score the pack or range for the quality of innovation, originality and creativity of the design. Where entries are a revamp or a limited edition of an existing brand, judges are asked to score on the effectiveness of the new design compared to the previous design.

Emotional connection

Judges score whether they like the pack overall, how they responded to it emotionally and whether they believe that it will elicit a positive response in its target market.

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PENTAWARDS +44 7508 632 630

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