Mohawk Unveils Portfolio Of Papers


Mohawk’s engineers have devised a process that allows the mill to continue creating sheets using rapidly renewable resources. The fibres Mohawk has chosen for its line are all annual crops, which regenerate in a year or less. By using scraps that would’ve otherwise been disposed of, Mohawk is reducing waste and pollution while creating something beautiful.

‘The introduction of Mohawk Renewal represents a new chapter in our environmental story,’ said Chris Harrold, Senior Vice President of Marketing at Mohawk. ‘We see this as a journey of a thousand steps, and with each step, we make progress toward a more sustainable future.’

Mohawk was among the first paper companies to experiment with post-consumer recycled fibres in the 1990’s. In the 2000’s, it embraced responsible virgin fibre sourcing, obtained Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) chain of custody certification and became the first in its industry to use renewable wind power. Mohawk Renewal grew from a desire to redefine the contours of fibre sourcing by rediscovering legacy materials like hemp, straw and cotton rag — in essence, looking to the papermaking methods of the past to chart a more sustainable future for the industry.

‘Mohawk Renewal is an expression of our ongoing commitment to environmental leadership in our industry and our community,’ said Melissa Stevens, Chief Revenue Officer at Mohawk. ‘In developing this portfolio, we have embraced new technology, new supply chains, and new uses for raw materials. We’re proud to take on the risks and challenges of being the first to bring truly sustainable fine papers to market.’

The Mohawk Renewal portfolio includes:


Hemp fibre was an agricultural staple in Colonial America, used extensively in the manufacture of fabric, rope and paper. Then it was outlawed in the 1930’s. Today, depression-era laws have been rolled back and the CBD and cannabis industries are growing rapidly — which means hemp farming is, too. But the infrastructure for its processing is still in its infancy. By driving demand for hemp fibre production, Mohawk is playing a leading role in helping this exceptional material take hold as an everyday resource once again. Those in the CBD and cannabis packaging industries have already demonstrated that they are ready to embrace hemp-based papers as a way to amplify their brand messaging and express a commitment to sustainability.

Mohawk Renewal Hemp papers are available in three shades: Clean White, Fibre White and Flower, a natural green. Each shade contains 30 percent hemp fibre blended with post consumer paper waste and/or responsible virgin fibres. These fibre blends give each basis weight the ability to perform across printing processes and end-use applications.


Straw is a byproduct of wheat farming that is typically disposed of as waste. Every year, thousands of acres of this rapidly renewable fibre are either burned off or plowed under, contributing to CO2 emissions and soil erosion.

Now that impact is being mitigated by harvesting straw for paper pulp. Mohawk Renewal Straw is made using straw fibre harvested by Columbia Pulp in Eastern Washington, where they have built a new mill to process straw fibres into viable paper pulp. Blended with responsibly sourced wood fibres, Renewal Straw has been engineered to perform on every press platform Mohawk serves today, from letterpress to digital and offset.

Each sheet of Mohawk Renewal Straw tells an origin story. Both Harvest White and Wheat shades take their cue from the 30 percent straw fibres used in each sheet. With subtle fibre inclusions, these papers are unique in the market.

Recycled Cotton

Cotton textiles have been recycled to make paper for centuries. In fact, it was the primary paper technology before wood pulp took over. Strong yet soft, cotton fibres make beautiful paper. Mohawk Renewal Recycled Cotton uses two sources for its cotton fibre: white T-shirts and blue denim. By making the most of these waste materials as a new pulp source, Mohawk is taking pressure off landfills while making fine paper with a story.

Both shades of Mohawk Renewal Recycled Cotton are a direct reflection of their input materials. T-Shirt White is unbleached white and pure cotton textile waste, while Denim is made from 30 percent denim thread and 70 percent cotton T-shirt textile.

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