Marabu Using Resources Normally Dedicated To Printing Inks To Combat COVID-19


With the commitment of its employees, Marabu has formulated a hand and surface sanitiser that meets WHO standards. The enterprise is giving some of the products to its own staff, but donating the vast majority free of charge to the RKH hospital in the nearby city of Ludwigsburg.

Marabu, headquartered in Tamm, Germany, has converted selected production assets to the manufacture of disinfectant – using equipment normally dedicated to digital printing inks.

Alexander Tsongas, RKH Hospital with York Boeder and Daniel Gandner, Marabu.

York Boeder, CEO of Marabu said, ‘With this donation, we want to help those people who are working selflessly and beyond their limits to provide outstanding care to our fellow citizens.’

In addition to producing its own disinfectant, Marabu’s international subsidiaries have provided over 2000 protective masks, including highly sought-after FFP2 masks. These will also be donated to the hospital.

Furthermore, Marabu will provide a wide range of its Creative Colours – including markers and paints for arts and crafts – to the day-care centre and playroom at the children’s wing at the RKH in Ludwigsburg. These materials can be used to colour the protective masks and decorate them with bright and uplifting designs. This can help make the masks less intimidating for young patients – plus, a colourful mask can put a smile on the faces of doctors and nurses, too.

Alexander Tsongas, Director of Communication at RKH, is delighted with the donation and local support. ‘Faced with the current, very difficult market for disinfectant and protective equipment, we are very grateful for any help. It is wonderful that companies in the region are doing their part in the fight against COVID-19.’

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