Manroland Goss Intelligent System Platform Alters Production Routine In Printing


Manroland Goss as a printing press producer and service partner, commands a huge availability of data collection on press conditions, downtimes or product data from all of their customer’s printing systems. This valuable Big Data is then made usable through the deployment of intelligent algorithms using Maintellisense for the benefit of the Printing houses.

It is a fact that each downtime in a printing system costs money, as does overcautious maintenance. However, Maintellisense makes it possible to replace wear and spare parts as seldom as possible and always at the right time. Thanks to the database-based early warning system, unexpected downtimes can be avoided and energy, maintenance and production costs can be reduced.

The combination of the terms Maintenance, Intelligence and Sense, shortened to Maintellisense, embodies the understanding of the web offset specialists from Augsburg of Service Solutions 4.0, in just one word. The focus of Service today lies in the development of practicable applications for the Next Generation, which optimise the production processes via the deployment of intelligent technologies, increase the systems efficiency and thereby sustainably reduce the total costs.

When it comes to today’s modern production it is becoming more and more important to keep the technical availability of a system at a high level and to keep running costs low. It is no longer sufficient to merely collect information on disturbances that have occurred. The flood of reports and sensor-measured values must be automatically analysed and evaluated. The continuously updated system data is visualised in clear and understandable graphs via the system platform and prioritised according to risk evaluation. What is especially useful here is that not only static reports are taken into account, but also dynamic measured values or even drive parameters.

This means that the user has the most important press reports at a glance and can immediately initiate the correct measures thanks to documented trend curves, precise fault descriptions and action recommendations. All results are represented on a user-friendly interface, which enables intuitive operation. And thanks to the cloud-based solution, the Maintellisense service is furthermore available independent of location, time or device.

In an agile product development process, the team of experts made up of development engineers, service technicians and process analysts work very closely with the customer to continuously further develop Maintellisense and make ever better adaptations to meet customer requirements. This means that, for example, automatic notification services in case of disturbance, personalised dashboard displays or linking to further suppliers follow promptly.

The objective of the predictive maintenance solution called Maintellisense is to provide a central maintenance platform that enables the customer to plan pending maintenance measures for their entire machinery pool, quickly, simply and more efficiently. Depending on the printing system in use there will be different requirements to be met. This is why Maintellisense makes it possible to tailor the performance individually to the customer’s actual requirements and to deliver a service, which provides real added value.


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