Konica Minolta Receives Third Consecutive EcoVadis Gold Level Recognition Medal

Konica Minolta receives third consecutive EcoVadis Gold Level Recognition Medal.

The evolving society of today requires companies to deliver social value, by providing solutions to challenges faced by customers and the world. Companies must also generate economic value while achieving sustainable growth alongside society. This process is also well aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Konica Minolta, Inc. (Konica Minolta) has achieved this through earning a Gold Level Recognition Medal in the EcoVadis 2018 sustainability ratings issued by EcoVadis of France. Receiving the survey’s highest level of recognition for the third time in a row places Konica Minolta in the top two percent of suppliers and reflects its corporate philosophy, which drives all of its day-to-day business practices.

To bring its principles to life, Konica Minolta has identified a number of material issues that must be given priority: the environment, social innovation, customer satisfaction and product safety, supply chain responsibility, human capital and diversity. By addressing these challenges, the company will provide solutions to social issues set forth in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and contribute to solving global environmental threats and improving quality of life.

‘The EcoVadis award is recognition of Konica Minolta’s commitment to sustainable business practices,’ said Marc Pillay, CEO of Konica Minolta South Africa. ‘Sustainability is integral to the way we do business. It informs many of our relationships and business decisions.’

An example of such a relationship is Konica Minolta South Africa’s partnership with NGO Food and Trees for Africa, which has seen Konica Minolta South Africa donating 43,708 trees – including 4600 bamboo and 124 tree-equivalent spekboom plants – both of which are particularly effective at removing carbon from the atmosphere. 

Today’s evolving society requires companies to deliver social value by providing solutions to challenges faced by customers and the world. Companies must also generate economic value while achieving sustainable growth alongside society. These requirements are also well aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

‘The various plantings have offset an estimated 16,128.41 tons of carbon dioxide equivalent. This has enabled Konica Minolta South Africa to achieve carbon-neutral status, mitigate global warming and improve air quality, in line with our broader commitment to sustainable business practices,’ concluded Pillay.


leonm@kmsa.com http://www.kmsa.com

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