Kongsberg PCS Unveils New Software

Kongsberg PCS Unveils New Software

The new i-cut Production Console (iPC) version 2.6 is packed with a host of new features and upgrades and the integrated software solution comes standard with Kongsberg Precision Cutting Systems’ (Kongsberg PCS’) cutting tables.

‘The iPC’s intuitive user interface was designed to enable straightforward and efficient operation for all users,’ said Koen Van Reybroeck, Kongsberg PCS product manager. ‘It enables users to import and automatically set up files, customise production runs, calibrate tools and save settings,’ he said. ‘With iPC, you can set up standard production workflows, create simple designs and layouts, and run production manually or fully automated.

‘With this new version, we have introduced a raft of additional new features and functionalities that help streamline the entire production process, making it faster and easier to achieve optimum cutting results and bring designs to life,’ said Van Reybroeck.

The new Kongsberg iPC 2.6 boasts a whole host of new features, including:

New iPC Prep Station, a standalone, offline preparation tool that can be used for file and job preparation prior to production, without interrupting the production station or production time estimation

Updated iPC job list, now split into active jobs/jobs still to go into production; additional job history viewing and exporting options; new reports for order or finishing department. Produced jobs history can also now be exported as a .CSV file.

Improved batch production: use ordered copies on job in batch production, a new way to produce different and mostly unprinted jobs in sequence without user intervention. With on the fly estimation of open jobs, estimation is now updated as soon as a modification is done in Layer or Production tabs, or to job geometry. Updated estimate is displayed in the open job and jobs list, showing the modifications’ impact on production time before producing the job

Print preview for JDF files: jobs using JDF files that contain print preview images are now displayed when hovering over cut preview image. The software also features updated documentation and support connectivity for Windows 11; supported operating systems are now Windows 11, Windows 10, and Windows 7.

Kongsberg Connect HUB V1.0, iPC’s new internal data management system, improves connectivity with third party software providers, functioning as a central working interface to and from iPC.

‘With iPC 2.6. we are introducing the new launch iPC Prep Station,’ said Van Reybroeck. ‘An offline preparation tool for the production table, iPC Prep Station is a standalone version of iPC that is not connected to a Kongsberg cutting table. This means users operators can undertake time-saving and crucial file and job preparation prior to the production process, without causing any delay or interruption to either the production station or production time estimation,’ he said.

iPC Prep Station uses the exact same tooling and mapping presets as the Kongsberg table in production, so job preparation can happen even faster, but crucially without a need to be around the cutting table in production.

‘With this latest version, we also continue to improve integrations with partner software, delivering greater connectivity to iPC and the Kongsberg tables,’ added Van Reybroeck. ‘This improved connectivity means users can now also take full advantage of a production-focused workflow, with new software partner integrations focusing on automated file setup, QR code production and intelligent file intake.

‘Importantly, this also means they can benefit from the comprehensive Kongsberg automation portfolio, from manual feeding and Multizone production through to roll feeders, sheet feeders and robotics,’ he said.

‘These new features serve to protect users’ investment, ensuring they enjoy full support for all future additional functionality – only developed in iPC – as well as benefitting from advanced Kongsberg tooling, such as Fast Tool Adaptor or Dual Heavy Duty Unit, and all future tools,’ said Van Reybroeck.

+27 21 511 5340

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