Komori Adds New Innovation To Sheetfed Press Line-Up


The Lithrone GX40P handles both double-sided one-pass and straight multicolour printing, and includes a perfecting mechanism to guarantee high productivity and profitability.

The Lithrone GX40P’s perfecting mechanism uses Komori’s unique three double-size cylinder arrangement. The impression cylinder, transfer cylinder and perfecting cylinder are each double-sized to avoid stress on the paper.

Simplified and highly rigid, use of the new perfecting mechanism ensures high-speed, stable two-sided printing at speeds of 18,000 sph, displaying ideal heavy stock compatibility with both single and double-sided printing.

Increase quality and productivity even further with a variety of options, such as Parallel Makeready to drastically shorten makeready times, Autopilot for non-stop automation from test printing to production printing, and options such as the Asynchronous Automatic Plate Changing System, Spectral Print Density Control – SX model and PQA-S inline Print Quality Assessment System that makes quality and productivity improvements possible.

The Lithrone GX40P reduces work load around the board, through environmentally and workplace friendly printing that saves energy and space and reduces exhaust heat.

KEMTEK IMAGING SYSTEMS +27116248000 kemtek@kemtek.co.za http://www.kemtek.co.za

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