Information Management Is Still A Work In Progress For Many Businesses

Information Management Is Still A Work In Progress For Many Businesses

According to Konica Minolta South Africa, when it comes to information management, it must be secure and compliant as well as effective and easy to work with.

Necessary precautions start with having a storage location that is compliant with POPI and that, for example, includes active security measures such as encrypted storage and backup procedures for disaster recovery. Yet even the most secure and compliant system will prove ineffective if it fails to consider the demands of employees’ actual work lives. After all, the worst enemy of every well-protected system is a simple workaround.

Data security and compliance are paramount for all businesses. To meet these key objectives when managing content within an organisation, two factors must work in harmony: an information management system that provides a safe framework and a workforce that uses the system correctly.

With the ceaseless advancement of digitalisation in business, it is important to note that this process is still a long way from being complete. For many companies, particularly SMEs, the reality is that transformations are piecemeal, and the content management processes remain a hybrid between paper-based and digital processes.

Whether invoices, contracts, or employee information – a huge volume of office work is still very much shaped by working on paper.

Data security and compliance are paramount

While businesses are increasingly aware of the potential efficiency gains to be realised by optimising information management processes, the challenges of data security and data protection still need to be more effectively addressed – particularly, given the severity of failing to do so: cyberattacks can prove an expensive threat to business. ‘Businesses cannot seize the opportunities of digitalisation without also addressing its challenges. No information management approach can be planned independently of data security and data protection – and vice versa. Effective security measures as well as governance of information and compliance are key.’

Taking a holistic approach to data security and data protection

A holistic approach requires protection of every data flow including data generation, processing, and storage, with continuous encryption used at every stage. It also entails backups for the information management system as part of an effective disaster recovery plan. These measures are even more important due to the increased pressures arising from legislation. POPI sensitive information in areas like HR and customer data require very high levels of protection in terms of storage, access, and processing.

Through intelligent information management, businesses can start to meet their obligations – irrespective of the hybrid nature of many businesses’ content management environment. For example, paper-based processes can make the timely deletion of data harder to ensure, but digital solutions can help to automate the governance process.

Businesses demand a powerful yet protected tool for everyday work

These workflow requirements also include a high level of security. Technology is evolving to take on data security challenges, but any truly effective solution is as much about the human dimension, too. As data security measures become increasingly more powerful, hackers are more often targeting the weak links that remain – employees. Therefore, social engineering methods that trick employees into unwittingly opening doors to malicious attacks are a growing threat. As a result, any effective data protection and data security strategy must factor employees and their behaviour into the equation.

Organisations need to base their information management approach around every day work needs, matching the actual workflows in the company. With the increasing importance of remote work, mobility should be a default rather than an add-on, with easy accessibility and usability that enables secure remote working.

Due to the constant improvement of security mechanisms, social engineering is becoming one of the main entry points for attackers to gain access to a company’s systems. People’s helpfulness is still one of the easiest ways to gain the necessary information.

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