Heidelberg Recertifies To New Management System Standards


Certification to the international ISO standards has been part and parcel of the quality and environmental policy of Heidelberger Druckmaschinen AG (Heidelberg)’s for over 20 years.

As such, the company has reported completed recertification to the new management system standards ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015. This means that all production and development locations worldwide together with their marketing, product management, development, procurement, production and service functions as well as their support processes along the entire value chain have been successfully recertified.

The audit was carried out by certification company DQS GmbH (German Organisation for the Certification of Management Systems), which for its part is authorised by the national accreditation body DAkkS GmbH (German Accreditation Body) in Berlin.

‘With the ISO recertification for our quality and environmental management systems, we are emphasising our high standards in these areas. We see the implementation of the quality and environmental management systems as forward-looking guarantees for the continuous improvement of products and services for our customers and in harmony with the environment,’ said Rainer Hundsdörfer, CEO of Heidelberg.

The guiding principles on the way to an excellence model can be summed up in three words: for quality these are ‘prevent, correct and improve’ said Lothar Stein, quality management officer at Heidelberg. For the environment they are ‘avoid, reduce and compensate’ said Tobias Schweinfurth, environmental management officer at Heidelberg.

For Heidelberg as an international company, combined certification to ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 with worldwide validity is the first choice. The importance of the certification proof is underlined by the continuing demand from Heidelberg stakeholders for the certificate.

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