Heidelberg Announces World-First Press Installation


Elle Media Group has concluded the purchase of the very first serial 2020 drupa specification XL106-5+L in the world from Heidelberg UK.

The business regularly produces over 7 million impressions on one press, per month, with an average run length of around 4000 and an average makeready time of just over 3.2 minutes.

The new industry benchmark press will be delivered to the Essex based company in March and will continue with the business’s ethos of deploying the latest technology to ensure the lowest operating cost per sheet and to ensure the right capacity is available for its ever growing greeting card publishing division and commercial print customers. This will replace a three-year-old machine which has produced an incredible 210 million impressions since its installation in March 2017.

With this investment, the company continues to adapt its service structure to ensure technology enhances its customers’ experience at all times through its journey with Elle Media Group. With a full suite of Prinect products, its transition into a fully working Smart Print Shop and Push to Stop producer has been accelerated through the continued drive and delivery of its fantastic team. The numbers from Prinect Smart BI both in terms of output and quality showed this investment would deliver the required ROI in what remains one of the most competitive market spaces in worldwide print.

‘We had been evaluating this investment for over 12 months as we knew with the output levels we were producing and the fixed operating costs in place that our investment cycle would need to be decreased to ensure we sustained our operating cost per sheet. This was the primary driver for the investment combined with the increase in capacity for the same overhead due to Intellistart 3 ensuring a one minute improvement on current performance, which will give us another 320 hrs of available press time per year to ensure we maximise the opportunities being presented to us,’ said James Cuthbert, Managing Director at Elle Media Group.

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Heidelberg Graphic Systems Southern Africa (Pty) Ltd +27 (0) 86 142 4756 warren.jones@heidelberg.com www.heidelberg.com/za

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