GMG Makes Software For Digital Printing Future-Proof With Version 2.4


GMG ProofControl can be used to import and verify control strips for print standards. If the proof corresponds to the target values, then a label is printed out as a seal of approval and is attached to the proof. This is how proofs can be objectively measured and serve as a legally binding basis for an order.

The new ProofControl 2.4 now also supports the digital standard Fogra process standard for digital production (PSD). The templates for print standards, which can now be created individually, make it possible to individually adjust the proof verification solution even more effectively.

Product manager Jens Bloeck said, 'We are meeting industry demands with the support of the digital standard Fogra PSD: process stability and quality assurance are playing an increasingly important role in digital printing.'

Creating templates for custom print standards

GMG ProofControl can be customised even further in version 2.4. Independently created colour rule sets can thus be saved as templates and applied to any output standards. This makes packaging printing easier, where individual adjustments are part of everyday business. Templates for ISO12647-7:2016 and FOGRA PSD 2016 are already pre-defined.

Useful features thanks to Microsoft Excel and XML Support

Analyses and statistics can now be collected from measurement data, for example about printing stability, by using the new Microsoft Excel Support. In addition, users can create their own print standards in this way. The print standard list can be saved and imported into other work stations via XML to ensure consistency.

New evaluation criteria and 64-bit support

Control strips and individual patches can now be evaluated with 95% quantiles and the weighted Delta Ch formula. That means that this complies with Fogra PSD and G7 Greyscale. GMG ProofControl 2.4 is now designed as a 64-bit application and offers better performance, especially when it comes to large quantities of measurement data.

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