GMG Demonstrating Colour Management Solutions For The Label And Packaging Industry

GMG Demonstrating Colour Management Solutions For The Label And Packaging Industry

GMG’s colour experts will be demonstrating how label printing companies can future-proof their business by implementing a powerful colour management solution that addresses their challenges.

Today’s label production presents numerous challenges all at once: managing digital and analogue print processes, producing repeat orders of identical colour quality, maintaining consistency across different locations, ensuring predictable results, and managing time and cost pressures.

Jens Blöck, Product Manager at GMG, firmly believes that there is still significant potential in the prepress phase. Substantial improvements are quick to achieve and come at comparatively low cost, he explains. ‘Expectations have risen significantly, especially for label printing. Brand owners simply don’t accept inconsistencies when it comes to the reproduction of their brand colours. One of the typical challenges is the printing of brand spot colours on a digital press. GMG’s colour management ensures that the outcome is always accurate, regardless of the printing conditions.’

GMG offers a powerful portfolio including GMG ColorProof, GMG OpenColor, and GMG ColorServer. These solutions are widely regarded as de facto standards by many companies in the label and packaging industry.

With GMG OpenColor, the latest update brought spectacular performance gains. With the new GMG Spectral MX Color Engine, for instance, the profile calculation is up to 15 times faster, the profile quality is improved, and the profile size is up to 90% smaller. The higher-resolution MXN profiles lead to better colour matching between proof and print, hence optimised print approvals in the packaging supply chain. In an industry where speed, volume, and efficiency are paramount, the advantages are obvious.

For Stefan Zrenner, Head of Sales and Marketing at GMG, another aspect is crucial alongside performance: ‘GMG OpenColor users benefit from a central platform where all data and profiles for process characterisation and spot colours are stored. As a result, the same reference data source can be used for both proofing and colour conversions.’

GMG’s colour management also stands for increased profitability. When it comes to efficiency in print production, solutions that provide quick returns are especially desirable. Companies with digital presses can reduce click charges and save ink with the help of GMG ColorServer – with the removal of unused channels, for example. An interesting side effect is significantly increased printing speeds on some machines.

The company will showcase its solutions in Brussels from 11-14 September at Labelexpo Europe.


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