First Asset Finance (FAF) and their business consultants will be able to provide informative financial solutions for any equipment purchases at the upcoming Africa Print Expo, taking place from 13-15 September at Gallagher Convention Centre.
Changes and regulations in the banking industry throughout the world have made it more difficult for small to medium sized businesses to gain access to capital to fund their businesses. In order for business to have an edge in the global market, they need to invest in technology and equipment.
Niche operator finance companies such as FAF have entered into these markets and provide the necessary skills and ability to lend to small and medium sized business in South Africa. FAF have a genuine understanding of the industries in which they operate, customers’ needs and the latest trends in business. Core to having this capability is that they align themselves with quality suppliers of equipment and work together with them so that they remain close to the source of innovation and updated technology.
FAF makes the credit application process simple for both customers and suppliers. Its skilled sales representatives service both customers and suppliers country wide and offer a personal touch to the otherwise faceless finance industry of today.
The company provides operating rentals, rent to own, installment sales and secured medium term loans, innovative payment structures, tax efficient structures, off balance sheet lending, cash flow improvement, the opening up of additional credit lines, personalised service, fast turnaround times and national coverage.
For more information about the event, and to pre-register online, please visit: