Esko Flexible Packaging Honours Class Welcomes Students


Esko recently engaged with an international group of young graphic arts graduates during its fourth annual Flexible Packaging Honours Class.

The two-week initiative is designed for students at the top of their university class. It focuses on the production of flexible packaging, including design, prepress, file handling and plate making operations. The course was held at Esko’s headquarter offices in Ghent, Belgium, from 18-29 June.

During the detailed and professional training, students got to grips with the technological and practical aspects and learnt how to streamline packaging production from design to printing plate. The group of students is composed from Artevelde University College in Ghent, as well as peer students from the School of Engineering and Management, Switzerland, and both Seneca College and Ryerson University in Toronto, Canada.

Jan De Roeck, director solutions management at Esko explained, ‘We were very proud to welcome the most ambitious and most talented students of international packaging universities for the fourth time. As leaders in the packaging industry, we are investing in the future by supporting the professional education of these young graduates. A mix of theoretical classes, hands on workshop and customer production environment visits give them an in-depth 360 view on flexography.’

At the end of the training, students received a certificate of participation, a valuable advantage when applying for a job in this sector. In some countries, students can also receive training credits by attending the Honours Class.

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