Enfocus Launches Connect 13


Enfocus has launched Connect 13, which expands file delivery controls and delivers an all new Connector that streamlines remote installation. It also provides a single point of access for designers to create and verify print quality PDFs and automatically deliver them to their print service provider.

Enfocus Connect is a solution to remove technical barriers from consistent PDF creation and total job delivery to remote servers. With Connect, all the settings are encapsulated in a custom application called a Connector, which is easy to access and provides consistency even for novice users. Connect comes in various versions: Connect YOU for individual designers and production artists, and Connect ALL/SEND for print service providers and other graphics organisations who want to distribute Connectors to remote users.

Connect 13 will focus on workflow and delivery enhancements for print service providers while delivering a new advanced Connector structure that is easier to install, manage and access for all users. Key new workflow functions include the ability to restrict or allow delivery of files based on file type. With this feature, print service providers can limit what types of files are delivered to their servers and communicate any issues before the file leaves the designer’s workstation.

In addition, users can select the type of Enfocus PitStop Report is created and delivered with files, and apply PitStop Action Lists to locally saved PDF files processed by a Connector in order to apply watermarks, reduce image resolution, and more.

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