Stephens & George Print Group is committed to sustainable production by making conscious choices with every new investment. The expert in sheet-fed lithographic printing of high-quality magazines, brochures and catalogues is now improving its ecological footprint by choosing the ECO3 Adamas chemistry-free offset printing plates.
‘The decision to work with the ECO3 Adamas chemistry-free printing plates fits perfectly with our objective and ensures that our print preparation becomes a whole lot greener,’ said Chairman and Group Managing Director Andrew Jones. ‘The decision to use the Adamas plate has to do with the ecological advantages and the performance of the product itself, but it was also important for us to choose a partner with production capacity in Europe. Transport does not only have a strong ecological impact, it’s of paramount importance for a company our size that we can rely on a swift and timely supply of impeccable products.’
Eddie Williams, Head of Sales Europe at ECO3, emphasised the significant environmental benefits of the Adamas chemistry-free offset plates, stating, ‘With the Adamas plate, our customers make a substantial stride towards sustainability. In the case of Stephens & George, this translates to saving hundreds of thousands of litres of water and avoiding the use of large amounts of hazardous processing liquids. The Adamas plates require no rinse water and are washed out with a very limited amount of gum, making them a truly eco-friendly choice.’
ECO3 is headquartered in Belgium and produces offset plates in Germany for the European market. ‘At ECO3, we have opted for a global production infrastructure with a strong presence in Europe. This is a conscious choice aimed at ensuring maximum deliverability of our products to our customers. I am pleased that Stephens & George attach great importance to this,’ Williams concluded.
S&G is one of the largest printing companies in the UK. They make use of ECO3’s Apogee workflow software and Avalon CTP equipment to image over 300,000sqm of aluminium printing plates per year.
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