Colorgate Releasing RIP Software Version 9 In September


ColorGATE will launch version 9 of its RIP software in September 2014. It will be equipped with new features for Commercial and Industrial Printing applications.

Since the start of version 8, ColorGATE uses the Adobe PDF Print Engine (APPE) for all RIP software family products. Version 8.10 will be equipped with the latest version 3.1 of the APPE. The RIP performance and the excellent compatibility features have been further enhanced.

All ColorGATE RIP software solutions will continue to use the latest version of the APPE in the future. During the course of the development of version 8.10, the Container+ has been provided with new features. The creation and the editing of a new or already existing Container have been further simplified.

The container dialogue has been shaped into a clearer version to give a better overview and better option for editing and gathering of all information concerning the listed jobs, warnings concerning MIMs and print modes as well as container-names.

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