CGS Colour Communication Solution For Printing And Packaging Wins EDP Award

CGS Colour Communication Solution Awarded

With the Color Cloud, the internal exchange as well as the external communication of brand colours becomes more precise, easier and faster, and still remains secure. Color Cloud from CGS ORIS was recognised as the best cloud-based workflow solution at the 2021 European Digital Print Awards.

The technical expert committee highlighted that the Color Cloud ‘is an important step on the path to an accurate cloud based colour workflow’ and also honoured the CxF Toolbox, which makes it easy to generate, manage and optimise CxF data.

‘We are extremely pleased that the EDP jury awarded Color Cloud, and thus our vision of digital and globally networked colour management. With this tool, working with colours can be further optimised and made more efficient for several players in the printing and packaging industry. It is the ideal basis for achieving consistent brand colours regardless where or with which devices printing is conducted,’ said Bernd Rückert, CEO of CGS ORIS.

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