Bloemfontein Expo Gets Record-Breaking Attendance


The Africa Print Bloemfontein expo was a major success, with a record-breaking 408 visitors, which included visitors from Bloemfontein and surrounding regions such as Lesotho and Northern Cape, attending the event to see the latest printing technology.

Exhibitors gave positive feedback on the event. 'We had a good response from visitors and we generated very strong leads,' said Paul Haglich, marketing manager for production systems at Bytes Document Solutions.

Each stand was judged at the expo according to criteria based on design and staff friendliness and professionalism. The stand winners and runners up include:

Small Stand:
First Place: Epson Europe and Chemosol
Runner Up: Avery Graphics

Medium Stand:
First Place: GSW
Runner Up: RISO Africa

Large Stand:
First Place: Xerox

Forthcoming Expo’s include:

Gallagher Convention Centre, Johannesburg, South Africa

CAPE TOWN: 2-3 September 2015, Cape Town International Convention Centre.

Entrance to all the Regional Expos is FREE, pre-register online to speed up the process and you could win R1000 in cash.


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