Baldwin Technology Showcasing Solutions For Laminating And Printing


New to the plastic film industry is a generation of Ahlbrandt Corona technologies. The highly energy efficient Ahlbrandt Corona surface treatment feature top-of the line-performing electrodes, ensuring enhanced ink and glue adhesion leading to flawless printing and laminating results.

Thanks to its innovative solutions for fast and easy service, electrodes can be changed in just a few seconds, maximising the production uptime. The even and precise Ahlbrandt Rotor Spray coating secures a film quality with long term anti-fog properties and release for demoulding thermoformed parts. Using a non-contact application technology, it saves both chemistry and energy consumption and unlike other processes, there is no harm to any recycling of the finished film. The high-efficiency Ahlbrandt Hot Air Dryer solutions are designed for drying plastic films at low temperatures and at top production speeds with optimum edge-to-edge evenness.

Baldwin’s proven FilmCylinderCleaning system offers automated and highly efficient cast and chill cylinder cleaning performed during operation, enabling maximum uptime while enhancing the film quality. Valuable production time and material costs are saved. Manual cleaning of chill rolls can take on averages 30-60 minutes, often with the extrusion line being stopped. Automated cleaning with Baldwin’s FilmCylinderCleaning only takes 2 to 3 minutes.

Baldwin’s innovations will be exhibited at K 2019 from 16-24 October.


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