ATS Offering Drupa VIP Appointment Service With UV Curing And Finishing Specialists 

ATS Offering Drupa VIP Appointment Service With UV Curing And Finishing Specialists 

Those planning on attending drupa 2024, or alternatively those who would like to set up a video call with the right specialist based on their specific requirements, can do so with ATS’ drupa VIP Appointment Service for IST METZ, IST INTECH and Tech-ni-Fold. With this service, ATS will arrange a tailor-made VIP appointment on the desired day and time to meet with a designated specialist in-person at drupa, or via a video call.

The service applies for the following:


As one of the world’s leading suppliers, the company develops, manufactures and distributes drying and UV curing systems for the graphic arts and industrial applications using ultra violet light (UV), infra-red (IR) and warm air (WA). Their optical systems cure inks, varnishes as well as adhesives in a matter of seconds and are used in different applications.


The company has the in-house capability to design, manufacture and deliver unique bespoke LED-UV solutions, making them not just another off-the-shelf supplier.


The company’s products are designed to combat digital and offset cracking. Users can increase their turnaround and reduce waste and outsourcing costs with Tech-ni-Fold’s patented range of more than 400 innovative rotary creasing, micro-perforating and cutting products.

Connect with a specialist for any of the above here.

+27 11 675 6397 / +27 74 899 6976

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