Arden Releases Latest Version Of Project Management Software For Packaging


Web-based platform WEBcnx integrates with Arden’s packaging CAD/CAM software Impact, as well as other workflow systems, acting as a virtual project manager, enabling customers to manage their operations from wherever they are in the world.

For the first time, WEBcnx, which was created exclusively for the packaging industry, has been optimised for mobile, making it quicker and easier for users to manage their packaging production from any place, at any time.

The additional features also include:

• An improved HTML5 CAD design viewer with full screen mode.
• A more responsive user interface both on desktop and mobile, without the need for a dedicated mobile app.
• Support for private discussions to ensure messages are seen by the right people.
• Newly added document searching to enable users to search on document names and descriptions via the quick search feature.
• Configurable automated email responses for full control over notification content.

Peter Barke, WEBcnx product manager at Arden Software said, ‘Our WEBcnx software is renowned for its powerful workflow automation capabilities, designed to keep projects moving, and we’re very proud to unveil the latest release for 2019, which we’re confident will help further streamline our customers’ workflow in the packaging supply chain.

‘In response to users’ needs, we have for the first time optimised the software for mobile. The new responsive layout allows users to access the site without the need for a dedicated mobile app, allowing them to create tasks, view designs and much more on phones and tablets.

‘Visitors to the recent FachPack trade show were given an exclusive preview of the new features and enhancements, and the feedback has been extremely positive, so we’re sure users will be impressed with the latest release.’

From order entry to design, WEBcnx links the different parts of a business together, ensuring people know what to do and when to do it. WEBcnx is compatible with Arden’s Impact CAD software and is also fully customisable to customers’ individual workflow systems, and has the ability to integrate customers and suppliers into the design and approval process.

The Arden Software Development Team is now working on a follow-up to the 2019 release which will deliver enhanced tools for proofing and collaborating on artwork and wider approval workflow enhancements, to be available around the end of this year. A further, major WEBcnx release is planned for 2020, which will include a new die-shop management tool.


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