Arden Announces Next Release Of Project Management Software For Packaging

Arden Announces Next Release Of Project Management Software For Packaging

Web-based platform WEBcnx integrates with Arden’s packaging CAD/CAM software Impact, as well as other workflow systems, acting as a virtual project manager and enabling customers to manage and streamline their operations from wherever they are in the world.

Lens has undergone a significant update, incorporating new visibility controls for manufacturing information, more screen space for the design, and it’s now also fully mobile and touch screen responsive. All tools are now able to be used on mobile and touch screen devices, including the 3D view, measuring and enquire entities tools.

The addition of Site Task Templates can significantly simplify workflows that determine how Tasks should be assigned based on the Site of the Task. The widget Search feature has been moved onto the filter bar with an updated look and feel to improve the discovery of the searchable text field.

From order entry to design, WEBcnx was created for the packaging industry, linking the different parts of a business together to ensure people know what to do and when to do it.

It’s compatible with Arden’s Impact CAD software and is also fully customisable to customers’ individual workflow systems, and has the ability to integrate customers and suppliers into the design and approval process.

+27 11 433 2686

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