Aleyant Announces Upcoming Changes To Web-To-Print Solution

Aleyant Announces Upcoming Changes To Web-To-Print Solution

Highlights of the changes to the Pressero checkout process include improving Pressero’s shopping cart by separating payments and shipping into their own pages, moving the approval process into its own workflow and creating a new Pending Orders area.

The changes to the Pressero checkout process both enhances the overall process for subscribers and speeds up the process for end users. The new pages allow subscribers to add (optional) custom user instructions at the top of pages, otherwise there are no actions required on the part of most Pressero subscribers. However, subscribers who have made use of the instructions areas in the shopping cart and checkout pages will have the added ability to split the instructions further into the new screen for shipping-related instructions.

With Aleyant Pressero, users can receive orders online from customers, allow the user to customise documents and publish variable data as well as generate budgets and plan production and generate prepress workflows. This is because the tool has an open architecture that allows users to connect with third party integrations.

With the implementation of this complete web-to-print solution, users can easily automate their print workflow. This will result in faster order deliveries, improvement in customer service and will reduce manual entries.


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