The new GMG ColorCard applies colour science to achieve reliable and repeatable results that brand owners, designers, ink technicians and printers can trust. Corrugated cardboard, for example, is simulated on the digital colour card. This provides a digital proof that accurately represents the final print result.
Instead of ink drawdowns, digitally-produced colour cards will soon be the proofs of choice for the approval process of packaging projects. Only with physical colour cards can all stakeholders visualise with certainty what the final printed result will look like. The new solution offers numerous advantages, above all: it’s digital.
Those familiar with the process of producing manual ink drawdowns will know how time-consuming the process is. Patience, skill and experience are required, all of which are scarce these days. GMG ColorCard is the solution and shows a result in under three minutes. A packaging project often requires multiple ink drawdowns or additional cards to be produced later in the process. With GMG ColorCards, not only are the cards produced within minutes, they are also identical even if produced at different locations.
Because GMG ColorCard is fully automated, the system is simple to operate. A few clicks and entry of basic parameters such as ink, printing process and substrate is all that’s required. For more information, visit
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