The full ECO³ solution from Agfa will enable Stibo Complete to increase quality and productivity while achieving a significant reduction in the consumption of chemistry, water and electricity.
Stibo Complete has chosen Agfa’s ECO³ solution (which stands for economy, ecology and extra convenience), which also entails the investment in a new fully automatic plate production site where plate loading is done using a robot.
‘Not only do we achieve savings for the environment, there is also a focus on our employees’ work environment,’ said Svend Erik Grue Nielsen, operations and development manager at Stibo Complete. ‘With the new robotic solution for plate loading, the Stibo Complete employees avoid lifting 230 tons of plates a year. Thanks to the agreement, which also includes Agfa’s Energy Elite Eco printing plates, Arkana smart developers and Avalon N platesetters, we will achieve a reduction of more than 15,000 litres of chemistry, 130,000 litres of drinking water and 10,000 litres of chemical waste – all to the greater benefit of the environment.’
‘We are really looking forward to implementing this new setup in the spring of 2020’, he said. ‘A strategic plan has been developed for Stibo Complete, which includes a whole range of investments and acquisitions of companies. One of the conditions for its success is the configuration of our print business to handle a larger output with less resources. The investment in this new state-of-the-art plate robot-driven workflow solution from Agfa supports this particular journey.’
‘In choosing a supplier, it has been crucial that we could create an efficient and advanced setup that simultaneously reduces our environmental and energy impact. Many companies in our business brag about environmental improvements, but very few companies actually walk the talk. At Stibo Complete, we take the reduction of our environmental impact seriously through continuous enhancements,’ he stated.
‘Stibo Complete has a strong focus on the environment. With our latest developments in software, environmentally friendly solutions for minimal chemistry and water consumption, as well as our focus on automation and a safer work environment, Agfa is the right partner for them,’ said Michael Boeriis, international key account manager at Agfa.
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