The 11th Pentawards Opening Soon


All packaging designers, brand owners, packaging suppliers and students are called to prepare their entries for the 11th Pentawards.

Pentawards is a worldwide competition exclusively devoted to packaging design in all its forms. It is open to everyone in all countries who is associated with the creation and marketing of packaging.

At the Pentawards 2017, entrants will have the opportunity to see their creations rewarded with a bronze, silver, gold, platinum, or unique diamond Pentaward trophy.

The organiser’s sponsors will show their generosity by offering additional prizes totalling about R415,000 (€25,000).

The Diamond Pentaward winner will receive, in addition to his or her trophy, a multi-year license to Esko 3D Packaging Design software.

A Sleever International special prize will be bestowed on the best creation in a limited series.

All the winners will be published by TASCHEN in the fifth edition of The Package Design Book that will be available in November 2018, and will receive a complimentary copy of this reference book by published design.

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