In this article, OKI SA addresses how Managed Print Services (MPS) reduces paper usage and enables cost reduction.
The use of managed print software enables you to reduce paper usage and reduce costs. Ordinarily, the ink distribution is not programmed in a paper saving manner. This results in large amounts of paper wastage, as this uneven distribution creates a situation where information is printed as it appears on the computer screen, not making any allowances for combining information from the same document to reduce paper wastage.
However, if managed print software and managed print services are employed, the managed print software allows for the combination of pages from a shared document to be easily integrated, ensuring printed perfection, while cost reductions are guaranteed.
The company also mentioned that organisations often assign printers to departments they assume need more printers, this is no fault of any manager- as managing is their specified field of excellence, printing is not.
Managers implementing an MPS solution though, can now easily manage use the software to identify where additional printers are necessary, empowering them to make the correct decisions regarding their printing solution. By assigning the correct amount of machines to each department, the organisation is guaranteed to experience cost reduction in both printing and paper usage.
Five ways in which managed print services and software are guaranteed to reduce organisational costs:
1. Information can be used from the simple reporting features to monitor and eliminate unnecessary printing.
2. Employ rules based on print policies to eliminate wastage, there is no unnecessary printing of emails for instance.
3. Confirm large print jobs to reduce accidental printing.
4. Simple installation, saving time. Deploy centrally on your server and track all printing immediately.
5. Ask users to allocate costs to shared accounts for accountability; for instance: departmental usage.